I have implemented this Amazing Race Challenge twice successfully this year with two different groups. Once was with my small remote aboriginal year 9 class, while the other was with a class of 30 students from grade 7-9. Students were engaged and challenged in a fun environment.
How it works?
The game is based on the Amazing Race with elements of Minute To Win It when students reach certain activities.
1. Students form teams of approximately four and each team should be provided with at least one atlas (it is preferable for each student to have access to an atlas).
2. Students recieve a clue card from the teacher (or their adult team captain) and must provide the answer to race to the next clue.
3. Occassionally, students will encounter a Road Block challenge that they must complete to move to the next clue.
4. Once a team has completed the leg of the race all teams must stop to complete the Road Block challenge.
5. Students might recieve prizes after each Road Block challenge or for completing the leg first.
This is a great way for students to use their mapping skills and is great for team building.
This challenge is completed using the MacMillan Global Atlas (Third Addition 2013). You can use any atlas with this challenge as long as you modify the questions or page numbers to suit.
Download the Amazing Race McMallin Atlas here. The template for these challenge cards is available from http://www.chicaandjo.com/.
I would love your feedback on this activity! Tell me what you think or offer suggestions!