Just an update for those of you who are moving remote or considering remote teaching in the future.
- After signing my remote contract the WACOT mutual recognition application began (I had a few issues with VIT so this took longer than maybe it should).
- The school is sending me the Working with Children Clearance (WCC) form to fill out and return.
- I have been informed of two immunisations that they recommend for employees including Hep A and B which should ideally be given 6 months before the placement.
- I have also been given information regarding the Remote Teaching Service (RTS) induction and the 4WD course, however I can not book into these until my E number is confirmed with the Department of Education.
- In addition, I have also been in contact with the Kimberley Housing and Transport Officer to arrange uplift of furniture and car, and to arrange transport for myself over and up. These can not be arranged until she sights the contract.
Personally, I have begun looking for a more suitable car instead of transporting my little Hyundai Getz. I have also begun looking for more suitable clothing than my usual Victorian teaching outfits. I have booked doctors (immunisations, more copies of perscriptions, discuss the move and potential health considerations), dentist (get a few extra fillings and consider having my wisdom teeth removed) and accountant appointments (do my tax- whoops!, discuss any issues with the salary etc remote) to ensure all is in order for when I move up north/west.
Closer to my move I will also change my Australian Education Union (AEU) membership from Vic to WA, update my mail details, update my Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), change phone carrier from Vodafone to Telstra.
I would love to hear your progress preparing for your move, or if you are already remote, the things that you know now in hindsight!
Already remote or thinking of teaching remote? I would love to connect with you! Make sure you comment, bookmark, add to RSS feed or like the Facebook page.